Sunday, April 22, 2012

Opening Doors

When you follow your bliss...doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn't have been a door for anyone else.
~Joseph Campbell

I have about five unfinished blog posts.


One for every day of this INCREDIBLY BUSY WEEK.  All started, none finished.  

And you know what...I'm thrilled.

Painfully thrilled, maddenly thrilled, frustrating thrilled.

I love that there are so many ideas moving through me write now - WRITE NOW.  

There are so many ideas that  pop on the paper and then the writing process takes me down Alice's rabbit hole and out into Wonderland. Once in wonder-land, I realize that what I am writing is SO layered, SO complex and sooooooooooooo  ponderous that I can't find my way back out.

And I REALLY don't want you all to ponder quite so much with me.  So, I am re-working those five OTHER posts and bringing them back from that wonderous land of imagination.  

So, this is a simple post celebrating doors. I have been playing on Pinterest - and I was moved to create a board about doors.  I love door images.  I always have. And today, the door image is the inspiration for this post.  

The door to unimaginable creativity opened up for me this month.

And I can't keep up.

The idea of KEEPING UP feels crummy, so I will keep it simple - I will keep IT alive and I will keep showing up...because as a wise man once said, commitment comes before success.  

So, I am committed to this write door to creation and I will keep showing up.  One door at a time.

What door opened for you today?

What are you committed to doing to bring your dreams into reality?

Here are the titles of those five unfinished Funny You Would Say That posts.  I'm curious which ones will make it back from Wonderland?

When a thing is wick, it will grow...
Energy Flows Where Attention Goes
Solving for X
Just call out my name
Inside the Intuitive's Studio

Friday, April 13, 2012

i spy with my little i

i to infinity
I spy with my little i...

The genesis of this post was the Martha Beck Summit for coaches last month in Phoenix.  As I shared in previous posts, the theme was the League of Extraordinary Coaches and the tag line was i3:

 inspire + inform + integrate.  

On the flight home, my coaching partner, Keisha and I continued to brainstorm and two more i's were added to the list:  impact and investment.  Now, it was i5 power.

I was inspired by all these i's and I awoke a few days after the Summit with Buzz Lightyear's voice reverberating in my head: infinity and b e y o n d.


Ah, the power of that little i.

That BIG I can be an IDENTITY trap.

Little i is

still growing

still evolving


Let freedom ring.

I created the poster above to begin this i to infinity and beyond experience.

So, let's begin the journey of i∞.

I spy with my little i:

intuition + insight + initiative

What do you spy with your little i?

Share. infinity and beyond.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Difference a Be Makes

Be Focused

I was the guest speaker on Thursday night at the Meetup of my friend and fellow Martha Beck coach Keisha Gallegos.  She hosts a monthly East Bay Life Coaching Group.  Keisha has created that perfect blend of social connections and creative content for each gathering. She has attracted the most amazing group of women and I made some really wonderful connections.  I have a hunch that this South Bay girl will be heading east at least once a month.  

I was talking with one of the aforementioned amazing women on Thursday night, Shelia, who is a self-described emerging artist.  She made a comment that went something like this.

"I'm having a hard time focusing.  I have to get focused."

When she said this, I could feel how draining this thought was for her.  I wondered if it might take so much energy  to 'get focused' that there wouldn't be any energy left to do the things she desires. Now, instead of directing her energy into her amazing artwork, (see blog link below), the inability to focus  takes center stage.  Now there are two problems (I can't get focused and therefore I can't create artwork until I can get focused) and what feels like no solutions.  These loops in our thinking show up all the time. This becomes one of those syllogisms and the energy gets blocked in one part of the equation.

Let's solve for X.  

Here is how the intuitive mind works.  As Shelia is speaking, I feel the drain of the energy of this thought, this creative block and I see in a blink this image in my mind:  a stage with spotlights.

Ah, center stage. Front and center and in the spotlight.

I have a great deal of experience with center stage as a metaphor.  Another of my life passions is the theatre.    I have been a lifelong performer, actress and in the last 20 years, I have worked on countless musicals and plays as an associate director.  So, one of the ways intuitive bytes show up for me is the all the worlds a stage metaphor.  So, as I listened to Shelia share what she was feeling and the images pop in my mind, this is my cue as a creative catalyst to redirect the energy of the creative path BLOCK to the creative path FLOW.

In this case, the image on the stage was the spotlight.  Now, for an emerging artist, being in the spotlight can feel intimidating, especially if we don't feel focused or clear about what were creating or who were creating for?  Now, an audience shows up and pretty soon, it all feels out of control -  too big - too fast.  So, when the spotlight showed up, the insight was instead of being the spot operator and trying to direct where the energy goes, become the spotlight. Be the light. And be directed to shine.  Be focused.

So, instead of the original thought as the spot operator, "I have to get the light focused," the spotlight says "I will be focused."

Can you feel the shift?

Can you feel the change with that little be?

Shelia did.  She said, 'Wow, that is a real change in perception.  I feel a weight shifted off my back." Now, the energy is free to create again and as Seth Godin says in his book Tribes "commitment comes before success."  Be committed.  Let the light be focused by desire, by curiosity, by passion.  And when the energy is moving again, and in Shelia's case it literally brings on more choices, more possibilities, more fabulous color on the canvas, the energy can be focused in unlimited, infinite ways.

Let Your Light Be Shined

This is the be-ing part of the human experience.

So, whenever you are feeling that sense of overwhelm, confusion, lack of focus or low energy notice where the energy is directed.  Do you  think you have to think about getting focused? That phrase alone makes my head hurt.  Or do you just start something - anything that sparks -  and  discover where you are focused by what you are doing.   Ah, the freedom to be the light and to be all different colors and be flexible and moved in all different directions.

And sometimes, one of the places the light shines,  is right on center stage.

Thanks to Keisha, Shelia and all the awe-inspiring women I met at the Starlit Path East Bay Life Coaching Group.  Talk about being the are a whole bunch of stars.

Keisha's Find Your Starlit Path-East Bay Life Coaching Group:

Shelia's Blog:

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


A Peony from Fioli

This is a special dedication that graced my life today from Julia Cameron's book Blessings.  I wanted to share this beautiful gift on the blog tonight.  Peace and love to all.  Thanks to my friend Colleen for this beautiful peony as a gift and love and light to my friend Annette.

The Universe Teaches Me With Gentle Love

Spirit mentors me with care and accuracy.  As I open my heart and my hand to be counseled, I am partnered by divine wisdom.  it is a great blessing that I do not walk alone.  I am not without guidance.  In everyday, in every moment, there is a source of divine guidance available to me if I will turn within.   There is no separation, only the forgetting of union.  As I realize, accept, and appreciate my union with divinity, all things unfold for me more clearly.  As I accept the grace within my current circumstances, my grace increases and flows forward to prepare my future.  My life is a life of abundant blessings. My heart is a home for grace and good.  As I cherish the gifts which accompany me now, I see greater gifts, greater love still unfolding.  As I open my eyes to see and my ears to hear.  I find the beauty of life is dazzling.  This green planet, this garden, returns to grace as I am guided to husband it as careful as I would my child.  Graced and protected by higher forces, acutely attuned to higher goods, I protect and shepherd this planet to deepened health.  My guidance blesses me and all I touch.