Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Horton Hears A Who

"I am here, I am here."

That is what the "little who" says to Horton in Dr. Seuss's classic tale.

This is what the writer within continues to say, in a quiet little whisper, sometimes almost imperceptible voice.

But speak it does.

And I am listening.

I have an intention, a dream, a plan, a goal, a journey, (alright, I know you get it, it's me I am talking too) to write a book. I believe in the power of the intuitive voice to change, to heal, to transform and this is what I intend to write about and to share.

Funny You Would Say That:

This Is Your Intuition Speaking.

The "soul" purpose of this blog is to aid in that write.

So, I begin again this journey with this small writing step.

And just like Horton, I believe and I hear the "who" that is speaking to me and through me.

So, I ask, are you listening to that "little who" inside and what, oh what does it want you to hear?